Amended June 29, 2019; June 26, 2021; and June 24, 2023
The name of this association shall be The Flowers Family Reunion Association; in the future referred to as the Association.
The Association shall strengthen family ties, promote pride, support each other’s accomplishments, and aid family members as needed. The Association will strive to increase and broaden its purpose and goals. Each family member will be asked to contribute their time, talents, money, and sincere devotion toward the service and operation of the Association.
1. All descendants and the families of the OMERA FLOWERS and ADELINE PORTERA family may become active members of the Association.
2. Honorary membership may be granted to very close friends of the family by consent of the active members.
1. The officers of the Association shall be the Chairperson, President and Executive Director, Vice-President, Secretary of State, Treasurers (Chief Financial Officer, Controller), and Chief Information Officer.
2. The advisory board shall elect all officers, as provided in the By-Laws.
3. A majority (one more than half) of all votes cast shall be necessary to constitute an election.
4. All officers must be nominated by their city connections and be in good standing at the local and national levels.
1. The Advisory Board shall consist of the officers of the Association and State Representatives appointed by City Connections.
2. The Advisory Board shall have the power to transact the general business of The Flowers Family Reunion Association subject to the approval of the active members to fill vacancies in office.
3. The Advisory Board shall meet at the call of the Chairperson or President unless the board decides otherwise.
4. One-third of the members of the Board shall constitute a quorum for the business transaction.
ARTICLE VI. REUNION MEETINGS: Dates and Sites (Places)
1. The Association Reunion/Meetings will be held annually in June.
2. The place of the Association Meeting will occur at the site of the Host City for the year on Saturday mornings.
3. Election of officers will be held during the business session of each biannual meeting.
1. This CONSTITUTION may be amended at any annual meeting by a majority vote of the active members present. The proposed amendment must be submitted in writing to the Executive Board four weeks before the reunion date to be voted upon. The amendment must be sent to the Chairperson, with copies to the President, Vice President, and Secretary of State.
2. By-Laws and Standing Rules may be adopted, amended, or repealed by the active members’ majority vote at any annual meeting.
3. The Secretary of State shall send a copy of the proposed amendment to each member of the Advisory Board.
4. If approved by two-thirds of the members of the Advisory Board voting, the proposed amendment shall then be submitted to the membership, and such amendment shall become effective if approved by a majority of the voting members at a meeting or, in the event of a mail or electronic ballot, by a majority of the voting members who have returned ballots thereon within the designated time limit. If an amendment is approved, the Secretary of State has the authority to incorporate it into the Constitution and make necessary corrections to other articles to which it may refer without altering the corrected articles’ basic meaning.
- Active membership shall be available to all family members and descendants of Omera Flowers and Adeline Portera.
- An officer may be suspended or expelled by the Advisory Board for conduct which, in the opinion of the Advisory Board, is or has been detrimental to the Association. Such an officer must be given written notice of the proposed action and the time and place of the Advisory Board meeting at least thirty days before such meeting. The officer shall be allowed to appear at such a meeting and be heard.
- Elected officers of the Association shall be chosen by voice or written ballot at the annual meeting and shall hold their respective offices for two years or until their successors are duly elected. They shall be eligible for re-election.
- Appointed the Chairperson or President shall name officers with the approval of a majority of the Advisory Board.
- The Chairperson shall preside over all Association and Advisory Board meetings and assume the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) role. (S)He shall perform the customary duties of the office and shall be an ex officio member of all committees with voting rights. The Chairperson is the manager of the President and ensures that the President is fulfilling their role as required by the charter.
- The President reports to the CEO and shall assist the Chairperson and shall perform whatever duties are assigned; (s)he shall assist the Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary of State as required; in the absence or at the request of the Chairperson, the President shall perform the duties of the Chairperson. (S)He shall perform the customary duties of the office and shall be an ex officio member of all committees with voting rights. The President is the manager of the Vice President and ensures that the Vice President is fulfilling their role as required by the charter.
- The Vice-President reports to the President and shall assist the President and shall perform whatever duties are assigned; (s)he shall assist the Treasurer and Secretary of State as required; in the absence, or at the request of the President, the Vice-President shall perform the duties of the President. (S)He shall perform the customary duties of the office and shall be an ex officio member of all committees with voting rights. The Vice President is the manager of the Treasurer, Secretary of State, and Recording Secretary and ensures that these positions fulfill their roles as required by the charter.
- The Secretary of State reports to the Vice-President, shall assist the Vice-President, President, and Chairperson, and shall assist the City Connections Representative as required. The Secretary shall maintain both electronic and postal mail addresses for the membership to facilitate communication. Publication of any address will only be with the permission of the addressee. The Secretary of State is responsible for all Social Media channels on behalf of the association. All officers shall have access as administrators of the site and all board members shall be moderators if they so choose. (S)He shall perform the customary duties of the office and shall be an ex officio member of all committees with voting rights.
- The Recording Secretary reports to the Vice President and shall handle all correspondence, maintain the membership files, and maintain a record of the attendance and minutes of the Association’s annual meetings and the Advisory Board’s meetings.
- The Treasurer reports to the Vice President and shall have custody of and management of all the Association’s invested property, funds, and financial affairs. (S)He shall have full authority, in the name and on behalf of the Association, to receive, collect, take charge of, and disburse all monies approved by the Association. (S)He shall deposit such monies and safeguard the securities and records in the name of the Association in such financial institutions as the Advisory Board shall designate. For all bank transactions, the Chairperson, President, Vice-President, and Treasurer should be authorized signers on all accounts. The Treasurer shall report on the financial condition of the Association at all meetings of the Association and Advisory Board. Monthly bank statements shall be sent by the 10th day of the month for the previous month; to the Chairperson, President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary of State, and Recording Secretary. The annual report shall be published privately on In the absence of the Treasurer or as permitted by Treasurer, the Chairperson, President, and or Vice-President can fulfill the role of Treasurer.
- The Chief Information Officer reports to the President, shall assist the Vice-President, President, and Chairperson, and shall assist the City Connections Representative as required. (S)He shall perform the customary duties of the office and shall be an ex officio member of all committees with voting rights.
- The Honorary President, appointed by the Advisory Board, shall be the oldest known Active Member. The Honorary President shall hold the position for life.
- The State Representatives report to the Secretary of State and shall be selected to represent the geographic regions of the United States. Their city connections shall appoint them. Each State Representative shall be responsible for the activities of the Association in his assigned area, shall develop publicity and public relations concerning the Association, shall provide the Secretary of State with copies of all correspondence and related material, and shall assist in every way possible to promote the purposes and objectives of the Association.
- The Family Historian reports to the Secretary of State and shall be that member of the Association most qualified by background and experience to supervise the genealogical research and work of the Association. (S)Advisory Board shall elect him for an indefinite term and shall maintain all genealogical files of the Association. The Family Historian retains all history, family properties, and artifacts. Family members will send “copies” of family trees, pictures, artifacts, and documents.
Advisory Board
- The Directors, who, together with the elected officers, shall constitute the Advisory Board, shall be elected by members of the Association. Two of the two voting members to be elected from each connection shall be elected annually, each for a three-year term. A Director may serve more than one term.
- The Advisory Board should meet at least once a year and more often as it should prove necessary. The Board shall have the authority to call meetings of the Association, determine the number of annual dues and suspend or expel a member in any category as herein provided.
- The Advisory Board shall formulate the policies and programs of the Association subject only to the direction of the membership as expressed at annual or special meetings.
- The Chairperson or President shall appoint chairpersons of such standing committees as necessary unless otherwise provided for in the by-laws.
- The Publications Committee shall have general supervision over the publications of the Association, including all social media platforms. Key members of the publications committee include the Chairperson, President, Vice President, Secretary of State, and Recording Secretary. State Representatives may volunteer to represent the Association. The Secretary of State shall preside as Chairperson of the Publications Committee.
- The Scholarship Committee shall establish and publish the requirements for all Flowers Family Association scholarships to be awarded, receive all applications, and announce the recipients at the Association’s annual meeting. The Advisory Board will determine policies for the awards. The Scholarship Committee will be all officers and a State Representative from each Connection. The President shall preside as Chairperson of the Scholarship Committee.
- The Genealogical Records Committee, comprised of a representative from all State Connections, shall assist the Family Historian in whatever ways are requested and shall encourage all members to file their family lines with the Association. The Family Historian shall preside as Chairperson of the Genealogical Records Committee.
- The Host City for the year shall be responsible for the arrangements for the annual reunions of the Association under the supervision of the Advisory Board. The details will be published promptly on and by other means deemed necessary by the committee. Reunion letters with associated registration fees should be mailed to family members no later than December 15th each year. Publication of reunion letters and forms on social media is permissible. The Secretary of State should provide complete contact information to the host city upon request. Effective June 29, 2019, host cities are responsible for passing on complete reunion details to the Secretary of State and the next host city.
- The Association’s Annual Meeting shall be held each June in the host city and published promptly on and by other means as deemed necessary.
- The Annual Business Meeting shall be held during the Annual Meeting. A quorum for the transaction of business at this Annual Meeting shall be two-thirds voting members.
- The Quarterly Meetings of the Association shall be held each September, December, and March virtually and published promptly on and by other means as deemed necessary.
- The Business Meetings shall be held during the Business Meeting. A quorum for the transaction of business at this Annual Meeting shall be two-thirds voting members.
1. Subject to an annual determination by the Advisory Board, the dues shall be established on a calendar year basis, the amount to be determined annually by the Advisory Board. Effective June 2021, each host city must add a $10 reunion fee to every person attending. The revenue from the fees shall cover the cost of maintaining and seed money for the following year’s reunion. The set cost for seed money to the next host city will be $1,000, and the current information technology cost is $1,000 annually; If enough monies are not collected, the Advisory Board may request contributions to make up the deficit. Any excess funds from the host city shall be deposited in a separate account at Wells Fargo Bank.
2. The Association shall maintain a Scholarship Fund, the interest from which shall be used to provide scholarships according to provisions established by the Advisory Board. The Chief Financial Officer and Controller always control the Scholarship Fund. Monies sent to any member of the association for the scholarship fund should be deposited into the Scholarship Fund account promptly, via check or ETF (e.g., Zelle, ACH, Wire Transfer), with notices sent to the donor thanking them for their donation regardless of the amount donated; and acknowledging all donations of $250 or more to comply with IRS and State laws. Notices must be sent from the domain account to acknowledge the organization receiving funds and not from personal email accounts; all notices should cc:
3. The Association may establish other funds to carry out the purpose and objectives of the Association. All funds shall be in charge of the Chief Financial Officer or Controller and shall be administered with the knowledge and consent of the Advisory Board. The chairperson, president, vice president, Chief Financial Officer, and Controller shall be authorized signers on all financial accounts.
4. All sums received by the Association as donations or bequests (unless the donors or testators shall otherwise prescribe), all annual dues, and all income from investments may be applied to the current expenses of the Association or added to the general fund or the permanent funds of the Association at the discretion of the Advisory Board.
5. Wells Fargo Bank is the selected bank for Flowers Family Reunion Association and Flowers Family Reunion Association Scholarship Fund 501c3. The chairperson, president, vice president, Chief Financial Officer, and Controller shall be authorized signers on all financial accounts. All loans are permitted to be taken on behalf of the Association with board approval. Board approval is not required to switch to a different financial institution. The purpose of establishing Wells Fargo Bank is to give city connections an avenue nationwide to make deposits to the account as needed. The Chief Financial Officer or Controller is responsible for reconciling the accounts on a monthly basis and reporting the financial condition of all accounts in writing by the 10th day of each month.
- A newsletter, the Flowers Family Association News, shall be published at least semi-annually under the direction of the Publications Committee. It shall contain such material pertinent to the general purposes of the Association as the Editor and Publications Committee shall consider proper.
- The Publications Committee may authorize other regular, occasional, or single publications.
- The Association will maintain a website containing such material pertinent to the general purposes of the Association and available to the general public, except for password-protected sections available only to members, if desired.
- Except on written authority given by the Advisory Board in each particular case, no member or non-member of the Association shall associate the name or use the seal of the Association in any publication to make it appear that the publication was issued by or under the auspices of the Association.
These Bylaws may be amended at any meeting of the Association by a two-thirds vote of all members of the Association present, provided that a statement of the general nature of the proposed amendment or amendments has been included in the notice of the meeting.
In an emergency, as certified by a majority of its members, the Advisory Board may amend the Bylaws by written ballot, provided such amendment is approved by three-fourths of the Directors returning the ballot. This emergency action shall be published on
The latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order shall be the authority on all questions of procedures and parliamentary law not covered by the Constitution and Bylaws of the Association.