thanks to our flowers family reunion sponsors for donating to the scholarship fund over the years! You are the ones who made it possible to support our scholars in their educational pursuits!
We are beyond words with gratitude for your generous contributions to the Flowers Family Reunion Scholarship Fund. Your donations are an incredible show of support, and we are so thankful for your generosity.
Your financial support has enabled us to assist our higher education seekers in offsetting costs for tuition, books, and other fees, and it is making a significant impact on our mission. We can’t thank you enough for believing in us, supporting us, and investing in our cause.2024 Sponsors
2023 Sponsors
Titanium Sponsors ($2,000 or more)
Diamond Sponsors ($1,000 – $1,999)
- Anonymous Donor
Platinum Sponsors ($600 – $999)
Gold Sponsors ($300 – $599)
- Ohio Connection
- Jackson Mississippi Connection
- Joseph & Lynn Flowers
- Timothy Malachi Kern
- Ronald & Gloria Krause
- Orlando & Kem Smith
- Melvin Bell
Silver Sponsors ($100 – $299)
- Harrison Flowers
- Jesse & Judy Calhoun
- Philana Blakely
- Jonathan & Pauline Flowers
- Tracye Linney
- Edward & Sandra Vaughn
- Doris Bell (in honor of Loyce and Fred Bell)
- Johnnie Mae & Phyllis Gunnels
Bronze Sponsors ($1 – $99)
- Francis Waterman
- Neshellda Johnson
- Charlie Davis
- Zola Morris
- Darrell Flowers
- Lena Dedmon
- Vashti & Adam Henderson
- Cheri & Jonathan Martinez
- Latisia Hampton
- Glenn & LaShan Gunnels
- Linda Bell-Smith
- Chardanee Harvey
- Sam Flowers Jr